parallel meridian LONGITUDE LATITUDE


  • There are infinite meridians.
  • Their direction is N-S.
  • They have their maximum separation in Ecuador and converge at the poles.
  • They cut the parallels at right angles.
  • The arc of a parallel has a value of 180 degrees.

Longitude is the distance measured in degrees, minutes and seconds, from any point on Earth's surface and the meridian 0 (Greenwich).

It is measured east or west. Its value is between 0 and 180 degrees.
Longitude. Enlarge image
Longitude Enlarge image


- They are parallel to each other. 
- Their number is infinite
- They have E-W direction
- Parallels and meridians cut each other at a right angle
- They form a circumference of 360 º.

Latitude is the distance expressed in degrees, minutes and seconds, between any point on Earth's surface and the parallel 0 º or Ecuador.
It is measured northward or southward. Its value is between 0 and 90 degrees.
Latitude. Enlarge animation
Latitude Enlarge animation


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